Home > The Stuffed Frog.....

The Stuffed Frog.....

May 23rd, 2007 at 01:59 pm

DD had change everywhere. During the big Apartment Cleanout, I found change in purses, drawers, little containers, and on the furniture. It was obvious that outside of quarters for the laundry, she had no use for coins. I understand. I don't carry many coins either. But I do love to collect them and roll them up. Since her new place comes equipped with a washer and dryer, she has no need of quarters either. So I collected all the change in a sturdy baggie and asked her if I could have it. No problem. I brought it home and Hubby confiscated the quarters for his purposes and I loaded up the bank with the rest. He ended up being totally stuffed with the additional coins. Last night we received Hubby's gas expense check for two of his trips. I realized that I was only short a little over 20 dollars to complete the truck tires fund if I added the expense check to it. So I hefted the frog and emptied him. I sorted, counted, and rolled. In the end, I had more than enough to finish the fund. And it was all in pennies, nickels, and dimes. Today after my appointment, I will take the check and the coins to the bank and add them to the fund. Awesome! Thanks to DD and the frog...

2 Responses to “The Stuffed Frog.....”

  1. monkeymama Says:


  2. Aleta Says:

    I find it amazing how much money just sits around in different areas of the house. We had the same situation. That was one of the ways I started my $20. challenge, plus my grocery coupons, found money in street, rebates, pennies from everyone in the house. It really adds up.

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