Home > Hubby was right....

Hubby was right....

November 9th, 2006 at 01:22 am

I really like this plumber guy. It is a local, family operation and well thought of. My little leaks have turned into a bunch of little repairs. So much so, that he's going to have to return tomorrow to finish. I had budgeted in my last couple of months for this, but I have a nasty feeling that it is going to end up more. He already gave me a quote on the original problem, but I felt there was going to be more and there is. Oh well, he's here and it is getting done and we'll have another bathroom for the holidays. That's a real good thing. And I have at least a chunk of the cost already.

I didn't get my water in today cos I didn't know if I'd be able to use the other bathroom with the water turned off this afternoon. So no money for the challenge today.

Hubby works in the chemical plants heading up maintenance programs for all the equipment and he's really good at setting up preventive maintenance programs and proactively taking care of all the equipment to prevent future problems. Believe me, sometimes he has to fight for those programs cos some companies don't do preventive stuff and wait til it breaks. I think I've been one of those people. I need to pick his brain and set up maintenance programs for health and house. Make sure things are taken care of before they become major expenses. I've learned a lesson here. Oh good grief, he's SO going to enjoy being right......

6 Responses to “Hubby was right....”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    jan, it's all in how you phrase it!

    "Honey, with all the messes you deal with at work, I can't believe you haven't set up a preventative maintenance plan for our house yet..."

    POOF! you're not asking him to do it, you're just marveling that it hasn't been done... *evil grin*

  2. miclason Says:

    Tina.... you're my hero!...ha,ha,ha,ha!... that is such a deliciously evil solution!!

  3. janh Says:

    Tina: Oh, that's goooood!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Almost as good as making the man think it was his idea and him telling you about it later. I'm goooooood at that one.

  5. janh Says:


  6. monkeymama Says:


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